

2022-11-15 182

XXX公园欢迎游客朋友来园观光游览,请您在游园过程中协助公园做好以下事宜: 游人应当文明游园、爱护公物、保护环境,不随地吐痰、便溺,乱丢果皮(核)、烟头、口香糖等废弃物;不得影响和妨碍他人游览、休憩; 除老年人、残疾人、儿童等使用的手摇、手推轮椅和儿童车外,其他车辆未经允许不得进入公园; 禁止翻越公园围墙、栏杆、绿篱;禁止在公园湖中游泳、钓鱼; 禁止在公园内踢球、滑轮滑、滑滑板、骑自行车等; 禁止在公园内摆摊、兜售物品及广告宣传品,影响游览秩序; 禁止在禁烟区内吸烟; 禁止在建筑物、构筑物、设施、树木上涂写、刻划; 禁止在园内折花木、采挖植物、损坏草坪、树木; 禁止携带宠物入园; 严禁在公园内进行营火、烧烤,捕捞等活动; 严禁携带易燃易爆品进入公园; 严禁传播、从事各类邪教及封建迷信等活动; 身高在 米下的儿童必须由家长陪同方可入园; 超过 人以上的团体入园需上报管理处; 凡在公园内举办活动的单位或团体,包括商业宣传、摄影、摄像等各类场地的租赁使用,必须到公园管理处申报登记,经公园管理处审批同意后,方可在指定场地内举办活动。

  • 英文:Notice to Visitors

    Welcome to ( ) Park! Please observe the following rules:

    Help protect public facilities, keep the park tidy, and dispose of litter in garbage bins. Please refrain from engaging in activities that may make other visitors uncomfortable.

    No vehicles are allowed in the park without permission, except manual wheelchairs and strollers for the elderly persons with disabilities and kids.

    Do not climb wall, fence or hedge.

    No swimming or angling.

    No ball games, skating, skateboarding or cycling.

    No vending or distributing leaflets of any form.

    Smoking is prohibited in non-smoking zones.

    No graffiti or carving on buildings, facilities or trees.

    Please help protect trees and other plants.

    No pets.

    No campfires, barbecue or fishing.

    No flammables or explosives.

    Cult and superstitious activities are forbidden.

    Children under ( ) meters must be accompanied by parents or guardians.

    Please contact park management for group visit over ( ) people.

    Permission required from park management for activities such as commercial promotion, picture taking or filming. Such activities should be conducted at designated areas after permission is granted.


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